Roundup Ready FLEX COTTON Bollgard 3
Roundup Ready FLEX COTTON Bollgard 3

Roundup Ready Flex® cotton

Bollgard® 3 stacked with Roundup Ready Flex® provides cotton growers with insect control and and weed control options to enable superior yields, through the use of biotechnology.

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Product Type
Biotechnology Traits

What is Bollgard 3

Bollgard 3 is a biotechnology trait that reduces the need to spray for Helicoverpa spp. the main cotton pest for Australian growers.

Bollgard 3 contains three proteins, Cry1Ac, Cry2AB and Vip3A, each 'killing' larvae in a different way.

Having three different active proteins increases the sustainability of the technology as it is difficult for helicoverpa to develop resistance to more than one of the Bt Proteins.

Bollgard 3 plays a critical role in protecting the technology, ensuring that it will continue to perform the way that growers need and expect for many years to come

Bollgard timeline

The addition of a third protein, Vip3A, reinforces the Bt proteins found in Bollgard II® – Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab. Three proteins will increase the longevity of the technology as each provides a different mode of action or ‘kill’ Helicoverpa spp. larvae in a different way.

Application Notes
Cotton Approved under DIR066 and DIR124 for use in Australia



Refuge crop Unsprayed conventional cotton Pigeon pea Sprayed conventional cotton
Minimum refuge required (%) 5.0 2.5 100.0
Maximum Bollgard 3 area available for planting (ha) {{ B8 = area*0.95 | number: 1 }} {{ C8 = area*0.975 | number: 1 }} {{ D8 = area*0.50 | number: 1 }}
Seed quantity of Bollgard 3 required (kg) {{ (seedingRate*B8)*plantingConfig/100 | number: 1 }} N/A {{ (D8*seedingRate)*plantingConfig/100 | number: 1 }}
Refuge area required (ha) {{ B13 = area-B8 | number: 1 }} {{ C13 = area-C8 | number: 1 }} {{ D13 = D8 | number: 1 }}

Roundup Ready Cotton Product Guide

2787 KB
  • Crop Guide

Roundup Ready Cotton Product Guide

Bollgard 3 Resistance Management plan (RMP)

4640 KB
  • Technical Guide

Bollgard 3 Resistance Management plan (RMP)

Bollgard 3 Resistance Management of Volunteer Ratoon Cotton

737 KB
  • Technical Guide

Bollgard 3 Resistance Management of Volunteer Ratoon Cotton

Bollgard 3 Resistance Management Plan (RMP) for Northern Australia

4332 KB
  • Technical Guide

Bollgard 3 Resistance Management Plan (RMP) for Northern Australia

Roundup Ready Flex Cotton Weed Resistance Management Plan

7049 KB
  • Technical Guide

Roundup Ready Flex Cotton Weed Resistance Management Plan

Cotton planting windows & key RMP timings for Northern Australia

3209 KB
  • Technical Guide

Cotton planting windows & key RMP timings for Northern Australia

Fall armyworm and Bollgard 3 Technology

200 KB
  • Technical Guide

Fall armyworm and Bollgard 3 Technology

Alternative Pupae Destruction Management

694 KB
  • Technical Guide

Alternative Pupae Destruction Management

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Resistance monitoring at the Bayer Crop Science Toowoomba research centre

Led by Dr Kristen Knight and her research team, our cotton research centre in Toowoomba runs a resistance monitoring program for Bollgard 3 cotton. Learn more about what the team is working on in this video.
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Controlling volunteer and ratoon cotton

Control of volunteer and ratoon cotton is a key part of the Bollgard 3 Resistance Management Plan (RMP) and is also important for disease prevention. Sharna Holman, of the CottonInfo team and Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, explains.

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Cotton Choices gives Bollgard® 3 and Roundup Ready Flex® growers flexibility to choose the best payment option for their technology fees, to suit the financial and production risks of their farm

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